How do I create Canvas course site sections?
Canvas allows instructors to create multiple Sections for class participants. Canvas Sections are similar to Canvas Groups however user accounts can be associated with more than one section.
Using Sections, Instructors can:
- Post Announcements to a section
- Email a section
- Create appointment groups for a section
- Create an assignment for a section
- Create a Discussion Board for a section
- Create a Quiz or Survey for a section
- View the Canvas SpeedGrader by section
- View the Canvas Gradebook by section
- Limit participation in section to a start and end date
Additionally, users can be limited to interaction with specific sections. Limiting students to interact by section affects Collaborations, Chat, People, and Conversations. Guest Instructors or TAs can be limited to only grading students in their own section.
Go to Settings

Click the Sections tab

This displays the Canvas Sections page.
Note: Each Canvas course site has a default "section" that includes everyone that has an account on the site. This section is labeled as the site name.
In the Add a New Section box, enter the name of the new section

Click Add (+) Section

This creates the new course site section.

-Click on the Edit icon (pencil) to edit the section name
-Click on "X" to delete the section
-Click on the name of the section to see the accounts associated with that section
To add account s to the section, See: How do I populate Canvas sections with student (and TA) accounts?