How do users add Comments to a Media Gallery video?
By default, users can add a comment to any Media Galley Video.
Instructors can remove the commenting permission or close the discussion (not allow new comments). To remove commenting permissions from a Media Gallery video see: How do I remove commenting permissions from a Media Gallery video?
Note: Comments can only be added to a video that is displayed in the Canvas Media Gallery tool. My Media videos embedded in a Canvas text box cannot have comments added to them.
Go to the Media Gallery tool

This displays the media available to the class in the Media Gallery tool.
For directions on how to add media from your My Media space to the course site Media Gallery tool see: How do I publish a video from My Media space to the course site’s Media Gallery?
Click on any of the media thumbnails in the Media Gallery

This displays the video in the media player
Enter your comments in the Comment box located below the video, then click Add

Note: Comments can be time-stamped by check-marking the time-stamp box

This allows a user to view the video and pause it at a certain point in the timeline and add a comment.
When timeline comments are saved and viewed by another user, the video can jump to the time-stamp

Note: Users can comment on the video or reply to another user's comments

Note: Users can delete their own comments but not other users comments