How do I view and grade student submissions in New Quizzes?
Go to Grades

At the top of the Grade column for the quiz, click on the Options icon (3 vertical dots) and select SpeedGrader

In the SpeedGrader, use the dropdown box at the top right to choose a student

This displays that student's quiz submission.
If the student has multiple submissions, you can choose one from the submission dropdown box

Make sure you grade the correct submission (highest scoring, latest submitted, or whatever your grading policies dictate).
View summary
A summary of the submitted quiz is displayed at the top of the page.

[1] The student's current score as a percentage of the total
[2] The number of points (out of total available) the student has scored
[3] The amount of time the student spent between starting the quiz and submitting the quiz. This time is noted even if it is not a timed quiz.
[4] If the quiz contains ungraded essay or file upload questions, they are noted here
View automatically graded questions
You can view each question and see the student's response and how it was automatically scored.

[1] Question stem
[2] Student's response: if correct, a checkmark is noted; if incorrect, an "X" is noted
[3] Number of points student earned for this question
[4] If you change the number of points awarded for the question, you must click "Regrade". Note that all of the other students will see this question as having been regraded
Grade Essay and File Upload questions
For Essay Questions and File Upload Questions, you can view and award points for the student's response.

[1] Question
[2] Student's answer
[3] To award full points for this answer, click the checkmark icon
[4] To award no points for this answer, click the "X" icon
[5] To award variable points for this answer, enter the points in the point's box
Optional: Click the Comments icon to leave additional feedback for a question

Every question type in Canvas' New Quizzes allows comment feedback. Enter your comments for this response in the comment box, then click "Done"

Optional: Adjust total grade with Fudge Points
You can use the "Fudge Points" option at the bottom of the page to manually adjust the overall score by some number of points.

When you are finished grading or commenting, click "Update"

NOTE: The final score will not update until you click the "Update" button.
Navigate to the next student
To grade the next student's quiz, use the Previous/Next arrows, or use the dropdown box to select another student. You can return to the Gradebook by clicking on the Gradebook icon.