How do I create a quiz using New Quizzes?
In a Canvas course, go to Quizzes
Click "+Quiz"
Choose New Quizzes as the Quiz Engine
[1] Select New Quizzes.
[2] To save your quiz engine selection for this course, check Remember my choice for this course.
[3] Click Submit.
Note: You can reset your quiz engine choice from the Quiz Options menu at any time.
Edit the quiz details
[1] In the Title field enter the name of the quiz or exam.
[2] In the Points field, enter the total points possible.
- If you want to create a practice quiz or an ungraded survey, set the total points to zero "0".
- Also: See important note on "Points" below
[3] In the Assignment Group field, choose a group. ("Assignments" is the default.) You can create an Assignment group if need be, such as "Quizzes", "Exams", "Final Exam" etc. Learn more about Assignment Groups here.
[4] In the Display Grade As field choose the type of grade students will see.
[5] To keep this assessment from counting towards the final grade, check Do not count this assignment towards the final grade. (This is often done when the assessment is a practice quiz or an ungraded survey.)
[6] The Submission Type field is inactive as it is not currently editable in New Quizzes.
Assign the assessment to students
[1] In the Assign To field, select who will be required to take the assessment. You can assign the assessment to everyone, to individual students, or to class sections.
[2] In the Due field, select the assessment due date. Students will see this as the assessment due date and time.
[3] In the Available from field, select the date and time that you want students to be able to access the assessment and submit to the assessment.
[4] In the Until field, select the date and time after which you will no longer allow students to access and submit to the assessment. Any quiz that a student has open will automatically be submitted at the "Until" date/time even if it is a timed quiz and the time has not expired. The "Until" date/time overrides all other settings.
[5} Click + Add to assign the quiz to a different student(s) or section with a different Due/Available From/Until date and time. This setting is frequently used to allow students with registered accommodations to have different Due/Available/Until dates and times.
Click "Build" to begin building the quiz
Click "Build" to see the Quiz Builder.
The Build page is where you access the settings and questions for the quiz.
[1] Click Return to get back to the Quizzes page.
[2] Click the Expand Question Navigator icon to view an outline of the quiz.
NOTE: Other Canvas tools cannot be accessed from the Build Page. Click "Return" to get back to the Quizzes page to see the rest of the site tools.
Edit the title and instructions for the quiz
[1] The Title of the assessment is automatically taken from the Assessments Details completed earlier. You can edit the title here by clicking the Title Edit icon (pencil).
[2] Enter Instructions for the assessment by clicking on the Instructions Edit icon (pencil) to open a Rich Text Editor window. These are general instructions for the whole assessment.
NOTE: If the assessment is published and the Available From date has passed, the student will be able to see these instructions before they click the "Start Quiz" button.
[3] To add questions to the assessment, click the "+" at the bottom of the Build page.
Add or create a question
To add additional questions, click the Plus (+) icon at the bottom of the page
Use the Question Navigator to view attributes of each question
In the Question Navigator you can view:
[1] Each question number
[2] Each question type
[3] Each question point total
[4] Each question stem
[5] Total question points
You can also use the Question Navigator to go directly to a quiz question or reorder questions in the quiz.
[1] To view a question in the assessment, click the question stem. You will be taken to the question within the assessment.
[2] To manually reorder questions, click and hold the Move icon (small grid of eight dots). Drag the question to where you want it to display in the assessment.
To preview the quiz, click "Preview"
NOTE: When you preview the quiz, you are viewing it as a student sees it. You should use Quiz Preview to preview and test quizzes instead of using the test student in your course. Quizzes taken as the test student cannot be reset and appear in New Quizzes reports.
Submit the previewed quiz to see a "Results" message
If you restricted the viewing of results in the quiz settings, students will see this noted on the quiz submission screen.
If you did not restrict results viewing, results, answers, instructor comments, and grades will be visible after the student submits the quiz.