How do I add a My Media or Media Gallery video to a Canvas Module?
Instructors can embed a My Media or Media Gallery video in any Canvas Page, then create a link to that Page in a Canvas Module.
Log into Canvas and navigate to a course site

Click Modules

Find the Module and click the "+" Icon

Add Kaltura Media Gallery and My Media under the "Add" External Tools dropdown

Use the arrow to show the drop down menu and click External tool.
Next scroll down within the external tools to find Kaltura Media Gallery and My Media.
Then click the Add Item button at the bottom of the page.
Choose either My Media or Media Gallery Library

The blue line seen under My Media indicates you are viewing the My Media Library. Select which library you would like to view by clicking on the respective name. Then click Select next to the video you want to add.
Click Add Item

The URL: Section will be automatically filled with the link to the video you selected. Click Add Item to confirm this video.
Edit the name of the module item

The module item will be named the title of the video. Set to desired name prior to publishing.
Click the three dots to the right of the module item
Select Edit

Change title if desired and click update

In the box to the right of title, set module item to desire name.
Do NOT change the ULR box.
We recommend leaving the "Load in new tab box" unchecked.
Click Update
Publish Module Item

Click the circle with the line through it. It will turn to a green check mark to indicate that it is now published.