CanvasCanvas Communications (Inbox)How do I send messages to students in my class?

How do I send messages to students in my class?

Instructors can send a message to anyone that has an active account on any of their published course sites.  This includes Students, other Teachers, TAs, Designers and Observers. To send a message to another user:

  • The recipient must have an active account on one of your course sites. (See the People tool for a list of active accounts on the site.)
  • The course site must be published.

Go to Inbox

Global navigation bar with Inbox button highlighted

The Inbox stores a copy of all messages sent to you (and by you) by other account holders through Canvas.

Click the Compose a New Message icon

Inbox toolbar with compose button highlighted

This displays the Compose Message form.

Use the Select Course dropdown box to select the course where you want to send your message

Compose message window with Course dropdown menu open and a course selected

Click the Accounts icon to the far right of the "To" box to send a message to a group of class participants

Compose message window with Accounts button highlighted to right of To text field

"All In ..." to email all active users in the course
"Teachers" to email all users in the Teacher role
"Students" to email all users in the Student role
"Student Groups" to email all Student Groups (If you or your students have created groups)

Alternatively, click on any of the groups to select individuals from that group

Compose message window with cursor in To text field and people dropdown open

You can select multiple bulk groups and/or multiple individuals.

Enter a subject and message

Compose message window with subject text field and message text area filled in

Consider selecting "Send an individual message to each recipient"

Compose message window with send an individual message check box selected

If "Send an individual message to each recipient" is checked, any recipient that clicks "Reply All" to the received email will be send their reply to you only.

If "Send an individual message to each recipient" is not checked, any recipient that clicks "Reply All" to the received email will be send their reply to all participants that received the email.

Optional: Click Attachments icon to add an attachment

Compose message windown with attachment icon highlighted and Mac file picker open

This displays your computer's file locator allowing you to select and add a file attachment to the email.

Optional: Create and attach a video

Compose message window with media comment button highlighted

This opens your computer's webcam and allows you to attach a webcam recording to the email. (For more detailed instructions, see "How do I record media with the Rich Content Editor?" in the Canvas Guides.)

Click Send

compose message window with attached file icon and send button highlighted

This sends an message to the selected recipients and stores a copy of the message in your "Sent" box.

canvas sent box with sent messages and filters highlighted

If you want to receive a copy of the message as an email, set your Notifications (Account / Notifications) to receive "Conversations created by me."

notifications settings with Conversations Created By Me set to "send right away"