Instructor - How do I create a webcam video in a Canvas text box?
The Upload/Record Media tool in the Rich Content Editor does not support captions for accessibility. If possible, we recommend using My Media/Media Gallery to record and upload video, which will be automatically captioned in accordance with the Tufts captioning policy.
You can use the Rich Content Editor to record video and audio media. You can record media for any length of time, but shorter media recordings are recommended. If your media is longer than 15 minutes, you may want to consider recording your webcam using Kaltura Capture and saving the video file to your My Media video storage space.
Several features in Canvas support the Rich Content Editor, including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus.
- The Safari browser does not support recording media. Please use Chrome or Firefox to record media from the Rich Content Editor.
- Media recorded in the Rich Content Editor is saved in the Uploaded Media folder in your Course Files or Group Files.
Go to the Canvas text box in which you want to create a webcam video
- Announcements / Syllabus / Pages / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes
- This example uses Canvas Pages
Place your cursor in the text box where you want the webcam video displayed

Click the Record/Upload Media icon

NOTE: If your display is not expanded, you might see a "More" icon (3 vertical dots). Click on this More icon to see the Record/Upload Media icon
Select "Upload/Record Media"

Select the Record tab

This displays your computer's webcam recorder
Make sure the proper Microphone and Webcam are selected, then click "Start Recording"

When you are finished recording, click "Finish"

This displays a Preview page. You can Preview the video by clicking on the "Go" button or you can redo the recording by clicking on "Start Over"
When you are finished, click "Save"

This embeds the video into the Canvas Text box.
Click "Save and Publish" or "Save" "Post" (depending on the type of text box)
