How do I create a self-selected timed final exam (Essay Questions)?
Instructors can create a Timed Canvas Quiz, which contains essay questions and allow students to choose to take the quiz within a limited period of time.
For instance, an instructor can create a 6 hour timed quiz but allow students to self-select when to take the quiz within a predetermined time frame.
The timed quiz can offer either "Essay" type questions or "File Upload" type questions. For information on how to create a File Upload quiz see: "How do I create a self-selected timed final exam (File Upload Questions)?"
For information on reviewing and grading a self-selected timed final exam (Essay Questions) quiz see: "How do I review and grade a self-selected timed final exam (Essay Questions)?"
Instructors can distribute the following link to their students, which contains directions on how to take a Canvas essay question or file upload quiz: "Student: How do I take a self-selected timed (Essay Question or File Upload) final exam?"
Go to the Canvas course site and Click Quizzes

This displays the Canvas Quiz tool
Click Add (+) Quiz

This displays the Canvas Quiz creation page.
Under the Details Tab, add a title for the Quiz and add directions

Under Quiz Type, select Graded Quiz

Checkmark Time Limit and enter the number of minutes allowed for the quiz

Do not allow multiple attempts or allow students to see their quiz responses in feedback

Assign the Quiz to everyone and add a Due Date, Available From Date and Until Date

1 - This is the date/time that the students see as the date/time the Quiz is due
2 - This is the date/time that the quiz becomes available for students to take.
3 - This is the date/time, after which, no student can submit the quiz. (Usually, this is the same as the Due date/time)
-Once the student starts the quiz, they are limited by the time limit set for the quiz (the example above is 6 hours / 360 minutes).
-If the student dos not submit the quiz within the time limit, the quiz is automatically submitted when the time-limit expires.
Scroll back to the top of the page and click on the Questions Tab

This displays the question creation page.
Click Add (+) New Question

This displays the new question form
Number the Question, Add Point value for the Question and select "Essay Question"

Enter the Essay Question then click Update Question

This saves the essay question for the quiz

If you have addition essay questions, click Add (+) New Question and repeat the workflow for adding an essay question. When finished click Save & Publish.
This will publish the quiz. When the "Available From" date /time occurs, students will be able to access and take the quiz (limited by the time limit set for the quiz).