CanvasTufts BoxOverview of Tufts Box Integration with Canvas

Overview of Tufts Box Integration with Canvas

Tufts.Box.Com is a cloud-based repository that allows all Tufts University account holders to store, access and share content securely.


  • Content stored in Box is accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device
  • Includes online tools for collaborative work, comments, and notifications
  • Unlimited storage (maximum file size of 1GB for website uploads)

The Tufts Canvas Learning Management System has integrated Tufts.Box.Com into a number of Canvas tools.

Instructors can link to a Tufts.Box.Com document in any Canvas text box (Announcements / Pages / Syllabus / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes) See: Instructor: How do I link to a Tufts.Box.Com document in a Canvas text box?

Instructors can link to a Tufts.Box.Com document in any Canvas Module See: How do I link to a Tufts.Box.Com document in a Canvas Module?

Instructors can add a link to Tufts.Box.Com to their Canvas site navigation. Clicking on this link allows users to log into their (own) Tufts.Box.Com account. See: How do I add a link to Tufts.Box.Com to the course site navigation panel?

Students can submit a document from their Tufts.Box.Com to an Assignment See: How do I submit a document from my Tufts.Box.Com to a Canvas Assignment?

Students can link to a document from their Tufts.Box.Com in any Canvas text box (Discussions / Assignments that include a Text Box submission type) See: How do I link to a document from my Tufts.Box.Com in a Canvas text box?

NOTE: The user creating the link needs to log into their Tufts.Box.Com account. Users clicking on the link (example: students) do not need to log into their Tufts.Box.Com account