CanvasGoogle DocsStudent: How do I use Google Docs to create a collaborative document in a Student Study Group?

Student: How do I use Google Docs to create a collaborative document in a Student Study Group?

Students can use the Canvas Collaborate tool to allow members of their study group to collaborate on a Google document. (As a Student, How do I create a Study Group?) This video presents an overview of the Collaborate tool

Note: Each collaborator will need a Google account and will need to connect Google Drive as a registered service in Canvas. Users can register their Google account the first time they click on a Collaboration.

To add a new Google Doc Collaboration document to your Student Group go to your Student created study group

Click on Collaborations

This displays the group's collaborations. if a current collaboration exists, click "Start a New Collaboration".  If there is no existing collaboration the New Collaboration form will immediately display.

This displays the Start a New Collaboration form

Enter a Document Name and Description

Click on the Add User (+) to add individual users to the collaborative Google document

This adds members of the group to the collaborative document.

NOTE: if you add the instructor and/or the TA, they will be able to access and edit the Google document

Click Start Collaborating

This creates the collaborative Google Document.

Members of the group that have been added to collaborating on the document can access it from their Group site / Collaborations
