How can I see aggregate video viewing statistics for the Media Gallery in my course?
The Media Gallery of a course in Canvas functions as a "Channel". You can see general viewer statistics for this channel as follows —
Log into the Canvas course site and go to the Media Gallery for the course

In the upper right corner click the icon that looks like three stacked gray and white bars, then choose "Analytics"

In the "Preset" menu choose the time-span for the analytics you would like to see

NOTE: Data is collected ongoing for any given video. It does not reset after a certain period of time or when a course ends.
To see video for a specific time period, choose "Specific Date Range" from the time-span drop-down menu, and enter in the start date and end date for the time-span you would like to see, then click "Apply".

Scroll down to see metrics included in the Media Gallery for that course
Metrics included are:
- Highlights
- Category Page Views
- Top Videos
- Top Viewers
- Insights
- Category Performance Over Time
- Top Videos
- Top Countries
- Devices Overview
- Top Domains
To limit data shown, click "Filter" and check desired checkboxes, then click "Apply"

To export data — either all or specific subsets — click "export" and check desired checkboxes, then click "Export Reports"