Student - How do I view instructor feedback on an assignment?
Your instructor may have provided a number of different types of feedback on an assignment. These might include:
- Annotations added to a submitted paper
- Comments on the assignment
- Grading Rubric feedback
Students can view instructor feedback and respond back to the instructor.
Click Grades

This displays your student gradebook
Click on the name of the Assignment

This displays the Submission Details page with the instructor comments displayed on the right

If your instructor has used a Grading Rubric, you can access the rubric feedback comments by clicking on the "Show Rubric" button on the top right (below the Grade)

To view instructor feedback paper annotations, click on “View Feedback”

This displays your submitted paper with the instructor annotations

You can reply to an instructor annotation by clicking on the Reply button

You can download a copy of the annotated PDF by clicking on the Download button

Note: If you open the downloaded annotated PDF in Adobe Acrobat, you can see the annotation comments in a side window by clicking View / Comments / Annotations