What are global announcements?
The Canvas Global Announcements tool can be used to communicate brief and timely information to Canvas users at Tufts. A global announcement displays as an alert at the top of Canvas dashboards.
Global announcements must be relevant to the majority of student and/or faculty Canvas users at Tufts. An announcement can be shown to all Canvas users, all students, or all faculty.
Examples of appropriate global announcements include:
Weather and other emergency alerts

Downtimes for Canvas and other widely-used educational technology systems

University-wide events

Important academic and administrative deadlines

If you would like to request a global announcement, please read the following guidelines and fill out the request form below.
Global Announcement Guidelines
- Global announcements are limited to 50 words of text, not including a brief title.
- If you would like to convey more information, please provide a link to a document or web page. It will be included as a “Read more” link at the end of your announcement text.
- A maximum of three global announcements will be active at any given time.
- Global announcements will be posted on a first-come, first-serve basis, with exceptions for announcements of higher priority. (We will always contact you if a posting schedule needs to be re-evaluated.)
- Please submit announcements at least three business days prior to your desired post date.
- Emergency, time-sensitive announcements are an exception to the deadline and the three concurrent messages limit; examples include weather closures and unplanned Canvas downtimes. Emergency announcements will display on Canvas Dashboards with a red alert icon.
- Announcements will post for a maximum of seven days.
Global Announcement Request Form (Tufts login required)