How do I manage quiz settings in Canvas New Quizzes?
You can adjust the delivery settings for an assessment in New Quizzes. These options will change the way an assessment is delivered to students.
Open the quiz
Find the quiz you want to open. Click on the three vertical dots to view the options menu and select "Build."
Click on the Settings tab
NOTE: if students have begun taking the quiz, you will see a warning message.
Adjust the quiz settings
Shuffle Questions
When Shuffle questions is turned on, the questions will appear in a randomly shuffled order.
When Shuffle questions is turned off, questions will display in the order you designate in the quiz.
Note: Item bank questions that have been added in a group will continue to be randomized within that group whether this setting is turned on or off.
Shuffle Answers
When Shuffle Answers is turned on, the order of the answers for multiple choice, multiple answer, and matching quiz questions will be shuffled.
When Shuffle Answers is turned off, answers will display in the order you designate in the questions.
Note: Shuffling answers does not guarantee the order is displayed differently to every student. Some students will receive the same answer order, depending on the number of answers for each question.
One Question at a Time
When One question at a time is turned on, students will only see one question on the screen at a time.
To allow students to backtrack to previous questions in an assessment, click the Allow Backtracking checkbox. Allow Backtracking is enabled by default.
When One question at a time is turned off, students will see the questions in a continuous list on screen.
Require a Student Access Code
When Require a Student Access Code is turned on, students will have to enter an access code to take the assessment. Enter the code in the field provided, and make a note of it to send to students.
To view a the access code while you type it, check Show access code.
Time Limit
When Time limit is turned on, you can set a time limit for an assessment. Enter the time limit using the Hours and Minutes fields.
NOTE: The time limit begins when the student starts the quiz by clicking "Begin Quiz". Once started, the timer will continue even if the student loses their internet connection, or logs out of Canvas.
A quiz is automatically submitted when the time limit expires, or on the "Until" date and time -- whichever comes first.
When Time limit is turned off, there will be no limit on the amount of time a student can take to complete the quiz, up until the "Until" date and time is reached.
Filter IP Addresses
When Filter IP addresses is turned on, you can require require students to take a quiz from a specific computer lab or space. Enter the allowed IP range in the Allowed IP range fields. To add multiple IP ranges, click the Add Allowed range link.
When Filter IP addresses is turned off, computers in any location can be used to take the assessment.
Allow Calculator
When Allow Calculator is turned on, an on-screen calculator is made available throughout the assessment. Choose either the Basic or Scientific calculator option.
NOTE: The Basic calculator displays only numbers and basic mathematical functions (add, subtract, multiply, divide). The Scientific calculator displays more options for advanced calculations.
Allow Multiple Attempts
When Allow multiple attempts is turned on, a student can take the assessment more than once.
To assign which score to keep for student grades, choose an option in the Score to keep drop-down menu. You can choose to keep the highest score, latest score, or average score.
When Allow multiple attempts is turned off, a student can take the assessment only once.
Allowed Attempts
If Allow multiple attempts is turned on, and Allowed attempts is set to Unlimited, students will be able to take the assessment an unlimited number of times.
To place a limit on the number of attempts, chose Limited, then select the number of attempts you want to allow.
Waiting Period
When Require time between attempts is checked, students will be required to wait a set amount of time before attempting the assessment again. Select the days, hours, and minutes to set how long students must wait before they can begin a new attempt.
Restrict Student Result View
NOTE: If you do not want students to see anything (after they submit the quiz) except a submission confirmation, the "Hide results from students" setting must be turned on, and all the settings boxes beneath it must be unchecked.
Turn on Hide results from students to set limits on what students can see after they submit the quiz.
If this switch is turned on and no boxes are checked, students will not be able to see anything except a quiz submission confirmation and their grade (if the grade is posted).
Note: Students can still see their assessment grades in the Gradebook when the "Restrict student result view" option is enabled. To completely hide grades from students, you will need to enable a Manual posting policy in the Gradebook.
You also have the option to display some quiz information to students, and hide other information. You can also choose to release information at pre-selected times. (For example, you might allow students to see their own responses immediately, but reveal correct answers to them a few days after the quiz due date.) For more information about these options, please see the Canvas guides (How do I manage quiz results in New Quizzes?) and the video below.
Other Quiz Settings
To edit the total points, assignment group, due date, availability date and until date for a quiz created in New Quizzes, go to Quizzes in the Canvas course, and click on the Options icon (3 vertical dots) to the right of the quiz name and select Edit.