CanvasReading ListsHow do I share the list with students?

How do I share the list with students?

Publishing your list

When you create your Reading List, you’ll see a banner across the top informing you that your list isn’t visible to students.

When you are ready for your students to see the Reading List, click the “My list is ready” button in the banner. You’ll receive a confirmation message that the list has been published and library staff have been alerted that your list is ready for processing.

Your students can now view the list by clicking Reading Lists in the Canvas menu.

Canvas allows you to link to items in your Reading List directly in Modules. Navigate to Modules, and add a new item to a Module using the “+” icon on the right.

A pop-up window will open where you can choose the type of item. In the dropdown menu, select External Tool.

Although the Reading Lists tool is embedded in Canvas, it is actually an external software program called Leganto.

Scroll through the External Tool options and select Reading List – Link Selection.

A new window will open showing your Reading List citations. Select the item you wish to add using the checkboxes. You can link to a single citation, a Reading List section, or the entire Reading List. Click Select to add your citation.

The Add Item pop-up window will now include a URL to your selected Reading List item. Click Add Item to add the link to your Module.

Your Reading List citation has now been added to your Module. Publish the item and make it visible to students by clicking the grey checkmark.

The links in your Reading List automatically authenticate users and give them access to online resources through their Tufts accounts. To share citation links outside of Canvas, such as in an email, follow the instructions for creating a proxy link.

Viewing your list as a student

The Reading List interface is slightly different for students, displaying fewer details and options.

Note that if you are viewing your entire Canvas site in student mode, your Reading List may not display properly. Make sure to choose View list as student within the Reading List, not Canvas.

To see how your list appears to students, open the List menu at the top of the screen.

Choose View list as a student.

Your list will display with a Student View banner across the top.

Click Back to instructor view on the right of the banner to return to editing your list.