CanvasCanvas GradesHow do I display Total Points in the Total Grade Column?

How do I display Total Points in the Total Grade Column?

By default, Canvas displays the Total Grade in the instructor gradebook and the student's grade view as a percentage. If you use unweighted assignment groups in your course, you can display the total grade as points.

If you use weighted assignment groups, the total grade can only be displayed as a percentage.

To display the Total Grade as Points, go to Grades

In the Gradebook Total column header, click on the three dots and select "Display as Points"

This displays a Canvas Warning box.

Read the warning and click  Continue

This displays the Totals in Points.


To Return to Percentage Totals, click the three dots in the Total column header and select "Display as Percentage"

Note: To display both Points and Letter Grades in the Total column, first switch to points then set the Total column to display letter grades following the directions below:

How do I display a Letter Grade in the Total Grade Column?