CanvasSaving and Exporting Canvas ContentWhat happens to my Canvas content when I leave Tufts?

What happens to my Canvas content when I leave Tufts?

You will have access to Canvas, including your personal Files and your course sites, until your Tufts account expires. This excludes any course sites that an instructor has concluded. (Learn more about End of Semester options for instructors.) If you would like to save any content from Canvas, please do so in advance of your account expiration date.


If you are a student, you can download all of your assignment submissions as a zip file. We also recommend downloading syllabi from your course sites.


If you are an instructor, you can export your course content for use at another institution or for your own records. You can also download videos stored in My Media (How do I download a My Media video?) and Echo360 (Downloading Echo360 media from your Library).

If another Tufts instructor will be teaching your class in future semesters, consider adding them to one of your previous course sites so they can access the content. You can also share individual assignments with other instructors.

Department Administrators

If you are a Department Administrator with access to Canvas course sites in your department, please write to [email protected]. The Canvas team can reassign Department Admin permissions to the appropriate person in your department. If you manage any Canvas course sites with departmental resources, add a colleague to your course sites in the Teacher role.