How do I create a Peer Reviewed Graded Discussion?
A peer reviewed graded discussion enables students to provide feedback on another student's discussion posts. This feedback is not available to students other than the student that is being peer reviewed.
It allows feedback communication between students and can help students master concepts and learn from each other.
Peer Reviews can be assigned to Assignments and graded Discussions. Peer Reviews cannot be used with External Tool assignments (Example Turnitin)
Peer review Assignments can be assigned to show student names or display anonymously. However, Peer Review Discussions cannot display anonymously.
Instructors, TAs and Course Designers can create and manage Peer Review Assignments and Discussions.
The following describes setting up a peer review for a Discussion. Directions for setting up a peer review for an Assignment can be found here:
Click Discussions

Click Add (+) Discussion

Title the Discussion and add the discussion topic

As a best practice, if you use peer reviews, set a clear policy for your students and explain the discussion in detail so students know what is expected of them and the associated due dates.
Enter the appropriate settings for the Discussion

If this Peer Review Discussion is also a Group Discussion, checkmark the Group Discussion box.

Peer reviews can be used with group discussions.
If you select Manually Assigned Peer Reviews, you can assign members of a group to peer review their own group members or members of a different group.
If you select Automatically Assigned Peer Reviews the default is that members of one group will be automatically (and randomly) be assigned to peer review members of their own group
Checkmark Require Peer Reviews

1- Check Require Peer Review
2 - If you want to manually assign peer reviews, select "Manually Assign Peer reviews"
3- If you want to assign peer reviews automatically, select the Automatically Assign radio button
Add a Due Date, Available Date and Until Date, then click Save or Save and Publish

Note: Once the "Until" date/time has passed, students will not be able to add to the discussion or create peer reviews. However, students will be able to view the discussion and the peer reviews they created and the peer reviews they received from other students after the "Until" date/time.
For details on how to manage manually assigned peer reviews see:
How do I manage a manual assigned peer review discussions?
For details on how to manage automatically assigned peer reviews see:
How do I manage an automatically assigned peer review discussions?
For details on how to manage a group peer reviewed assignment see: