Understanding Canvas Gradebook Totals and Exported Totals
In the Canvas gradebook, the “Total” column displays the percentage grade for all graded assignments THAT HAVE RECEIVED A GRADE. That is, the Total column displays the “Running Grade”, excluding any assignments or students that have not been graded
John Doe has 45 out of 50 points for the Paper 1 Assignment. He has not been graded for Paper 2, yet still has a “Total” of 90%

If the Settings / “Enable course grading scheme” is checked, the Total column will display a percentage and a Letter Grade

If the Assignment is “Muted”, the Total column will calculate the Running Grade for BOTH the student and the instructor but the student will not see the actual score for the “Muted” assignment
Example of graded, yet Muted, Assignment in the instructor’s view:

Example of graded, yet Muted, Assignment in the student’s view:

If the instructor has checked “Enable course Grading scheme” and Exports their Canvas Gradebook, in addition to item grades, there are 8 “Read Only” Total columns in the exported CSV file:
Current Score (read only)
Unposted Current Score (read only)
Final Score (read only)
Unposted Final Score (read only)
Current Grade (read only)
Unposted Current Grade (read only)
Final Grade (read only)
Unposted Final Grade (read only)
“Score” is a percentage value
“Grade” is a Letter Grade value (only displayed if the instructor has checked Settings / “Enable course Grading scheme”
In the following example, 3 papers have been assigned; one is graded; one is graded and muted and one is not graded. This is what is displayed in the Canvas Gradebook:

Note that the Total Calculated Running Grade for John is 80% (B-)
This is a view of the Read Only calculated Total columns in an Exported CSV file:

1 Current Score Percentage score for graded, NOT MUTED, assignments (Note: John has a current score of 90% because he has only one graded, unmuted assignment, in which he received 45 out of 50 points (90%)
2 Unposted Current Score Percentage score for all graded assignments (muted and unmuted) (Note: John has an unposted current score of 80% because he has only 2 graded assignments receiving 80 points out of a possible 100 points (80%)
3 Final Score Percentage score for all graded and ungraded assignments EXCLUDING muted “Grades”. “0” points are awarded for all un-submitted (ungraded) and muted assignments. (Note: John has a final score of 30% because he was awarded “45” points for paper 1, “0” points for paper 2 (muted) and “0” points for paper 3 - Total 45 out of 150 or 30%)
4 Unposted Final Score - Percentage score for all graded and ungraded assignments INCLUDING muted assignment grades, “0” points are awarded for all un-submitted (ungraded) assignments. (Note: John has an unposted final score of 53.33% because he was awarded “45” points for paper 1, “35” points for paper 2 and “0” points for paper 3 total 80 points out of 150 possible points (53.33%)
5 Current Grade Letter Grade for graded, NOT MUTED, assignments (Note: John has a current grade of A- because he has only one graded, unmuted assignment, in which he received 45 out of 50 points (90% or A-)
6 Unposted Current Grade Letter Grade for all graded assignment (muted and unmuted) (Note: John has an unposted current grade of B- because he has only 2 graded assignments receiving 80 points out of a possible 100 points (80% or B-)
7 Final Grade Letter Grade for all graded and ungraded assignments EXCLUDING muted “Grades”. “0” points are awarded for all un-submitted (ungraded) and muted assignments. (Note: John has a final grade of F because he was awarded “45” points for paper 1, “0” points for paper 2 (muted) and “0” points for paper 3 - Total 45 out of 150 or 30% or F)
8 Unposted Final Grade Letter Grade for all graded and ungraded assignments INCLUDING muted assignments, “0” points are awarded for all un-submitted (ungraded) assignment grades. (Note: John has an unposted final score of F because he was awarded “45” points for paper 1, “35” points for paper 2 and “0” points for paper 3 total 80 points out of 150 possible points (53.33% or F)