How do I record with Kaltura Capture?
NOTE: Kaltura Capture software versions that start with "3.__.__" are outdated. If you have a version that starts with "3", we recommend that you uninstall it, and re-install a current version. Once you have the current version installed, it will auto-update in the future. Click here for installation instructions for Mac or PC.
Navigate to Kaltura My Media or Media Gallery in Canvas, or to MediaSpace
Click "Add New" and choose "Kaltura Capture"

Click "Allow" to allow the browser to launch the app

Kaltura Capture will launch from your computer

Set your recording settings
Here are instructions for setting the recording settings.
Launch Powerpoint on your computer, or launch other media you want to record
Set your screen up the way you want it to be before starting your recording
Hit the red, round "Record" button on the Kaltura Capture control panel

A short countdown will begin

During the countdown expand Powerpoint or your other media to fill your entire screen
Don't worry if the recording starts before you make your media full screen, or if you do not start your narration right when the countdown ends. You can edit the video later.
Click the small horizontal "dash" in the upper right corner of the Kaltura Capture control panel to hide it
Everything on screen will be visible in the video you record, including the Kaltura Capture control panel. If you don't want to include it, click the dash in the upper-right corner to minimize it.

Now that the recording is in progress and your screen is set up, give your presentation

Advance your slides and speak as you normally would. Everything on your screen is being recorded, including your mouse movements, and any applications or other onscreen objects that you interact with.
Note: videos that you play on screen will not record well in Kaltura Capture, because the audio will not be recorded and image quality will suffer. We recommend posting additional videos separately from the recordings you make with Kaltura Capture.
Exit the Presentation
When you're done presenting, hit the "escape" key on your keyboard to exit full screen mode (if you are in PowerPoint).
If you minimized the Kaltura Capture control panel during your recording it will be in your Tray (PC) or dock (Mac). The tray and dock are the list of icons usually arranged at the bottom of the screen.
Look in the tray or dock for the Kaltura Capture icon (shown below). Click the icon to access the Kaltura Capture control panel.

To pause the recording, click the round red button with the "

To fully stop the recording, click the white square, and click the confirmation that appears

To cancel and discard the recording click the gray "X"

Once finished, if you kept your recording, you can name and tag it

RECOMMENDATION: Change the name of your recording to something that is meaningful to you and specific to the video. This will allow you to search for and find the recording in Kaltura My Media later.
The Description and Tags fields are optional, but can help you categorize your videos to aid in search. Depending on how you share your videos with others the name and description may be visible to them.
Click save and upload to save your recording to Kaltura My Media

Note: in order to share your video with others or to edit it with the Kaltura Video Editor, you must first upload it. To do that click "Save & Upload".
Note: if you want to save the file locally on your computer, but NOT upload it, click "Save".
To view the video, go to My Media in Canvas, or go to MediaSpace

It may take a while – minutes or hours – for the video to finish uploading and appear in Kaltura My Media or MediaSpace. If it's not ready, wait several minutes, or longer (if it's a lengthy video) for the upload to complete.
Working with the video in other ways
These user guides show you other ways to work with video in Canvas.