How do I link (or embed) a Google Document in a Canvas text box?
If you have a Google account and have stored documents in Google Docs, you can link or embed those documents in any Canvas text box (Announcements / Pages / Syllabus / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes).
Go to the Google Document

Click File / Publish to the Web

This displays the Google Docs Publish to the Web panel
Open the Published content & settings panel

Note Automatic Republish, then click

When you publish a Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides file to the web, it creates a copy anyone can view when via a link or embed code. You'll still have your original file with the same sharing permissions.
If Automatic Republish is selected, any changes you make to the Google Document in Google will automatically appear in the Canvas link or embed.
Clicking "Start Publishing" displays an "Are you sure?" notice.
Click OK

This displays the Google Doc link for this published page.
Copy the Link, or Click on the Embed tab and Copy the Embed Code

Directions for LINKING:
Go to the Canvas text box and select the text you want to use as a link to the Google Document.

Then, click the Canvas Link to URL icon

This displays the Canvas linking panel
Paste the Google link, then Click Insert Link

Click Save / Publish / Post

This creates a link to the Google Document

Note: This example is from a Canvas Pages text box, however, links to a Google Doc can be added to any Canvas text box (Announcements / Pages / Syllabus / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes).
Directions for EMBEDDING:
Go to the Canvas text box, then click HTML Editor

This places the Canvas text box in HTML editing mode.
Paste the Google Doc embed code in the text box

Click Rich Content Editor

This returns the Canvas text box to regular editing mode.
Note the Google Embedded Document is, by default, quite small

Click HTML Editor again and change the "Width" to 100% and the "Height" to 750

Click Rich Content Editor

This returns the Canvas text box to regular editing mode. with the expanded embedded Google Doc
Click Save / Publish / Post


Note: This example is from a Canvas Pages text box, however, Google Doc can be embedded into any Canvas text box (Announcements / Pages / Syllabus / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes).