How do I manage Piazza discussion board enrollments?
By default, all Instructors, Students, TAs, Designers and Observers that have an account on the Canvas course site can enroll in the site's Piazza discussion board by clicking on the site's Piazza button.
By default, all Instructors, TAs, and Designers that have an account on the Canvas course site will, when enrolled on the Piazza site, automatically have instructor access to the Piazza site.
If users already have a Piazza account, they will need to enter their Piazza password. If not, they will have to create a Piazza account.
Once a user has enrolled in a Canvas site Piazza discussion board, they will be able to access the board by clicking on the Piazza button on their Canvas course site without having to log into Piazza.
Note: Unless the instructor of the Canvas site sets-up an "Access Code", other Tufts University Piazza account holders can freely search for and join the Piazza site (not the Canvas site). To prevent non-Canvas site accounts from joining the Piazza site follow the "Access Code" directions below.
Go to Piazza.

Click Manage Class.

This displays Piazza's Settings page.
Use the "Access Code" to control non-Canvas site users access to the Piazza site.
Click on the "Add Access Code" button and add an access code if desired.

If an instructor does not add an access code to the Piazza site, students enrolled in the Canvas site can access the Piazza site from the Canvas site interface and students not enrolled in the class can join the Piazza class from some other Piazza site.
If an instructor does add the access code to the Piazza site, students enrolled in the Canvas site can still access the Piazza site from the Canvas site interface but students not enrolled in the class can only join the Piazza class from some other Piazza site if they have the access code.
Click Manage Enrollment.

This displays the site's enrollment settings.
Scroll down to the Enroll Students panel.

When students click on the Piazza button on the Canvas site they can enroll in the site's Piazza discussion site. A list of the students that have completed this enrollment are listed in the Piazza Student Roster.
You can manually add accounts for people outside of the Canvas class enrollment by adding an email address to the Add Students box and clicking Add Students. These users can only access the site's discussion board via They cannot access the Canvas course site.
Scroll to the Enroll Professors/TAs panel.

If you add a TA to your Canvas course site, and that TA enrolls in the site's Piazza discussion board, their account on the Piazza discussion board will automatically be the same as an instructor account.
You can manually add instructor accounts for people outside of the Canvas class enrollment by adding an email address to the Add Instructors box and clicking Add Instructors. These users can only access the site's discussion board via http;// They cannot access the Canvas course site.