CanvasCanvas NotificationsWhat are the recommended notification preferences for instructors?

What are the recommended notification preferences for instructors?

Canvas includes a set of default notification preferences you can receive for your courses. Notifications are sent to your Tufts email address and any additional Canvas Contact Methods you add to your account. However, you can change the default settings and set your own notification preferences.

These preferences only apply to you; they are not used to control how course updates are sent to other users. Each individual student and instructor can decide what notifications they want to receive and how frequently to receive them.

To edit your notifications preferences, click on the Account link at the top of the navigation menu in Canvas and select Notifications.

Notification icons and what they mean

Notify immediately: Receive notifications immediately. (“Immediate” notifications are still delayed by about an hour. This prevents users from getting multiple notifications if, for example, you write an announcement and immediately edit it to fix a typo.)

Daily summary: Receive all notifications in a daily email.

Weekly summary: Receive all notifications in a weekly email.

Notifications off: Do not receive notifications for that item.

These notification preferences will apply to all your courses. To set notifications for an individual course, see How do I manage notifications for a single course as a instructor?

Canvas gives all users the same default notification preferences. We recommend that instructors set the following items to Notify Me Right Away to ensure that they don’t miss important course communications:

Notification type What triggers a notification Recommended setting
Course Activities
Announcement Created by You You write and post an announcement; A student or instructor replies to your announcement Notify me right away
Submission Comment A student or instructor comments on an assignment submission Notify me right away
Conversations (Inbox)
Added to Conversation You are added to a conversation Notify me right away
Conversation Message You have a new message in your Canvas inbox Notify me right away
Conversations Created by Me You send a message to another Canvas user or users Notify me right away
Student Appointment Signups A student signs up for an appointment Notify me right away
Appointment Signups A new appointment is added to your calendar Notify me right away
Appointment Cancellations An appointment on your calendar is cancelled Notify me right away

This content is adapted from the Canvas @ Yale documentation.