How do I manage a Group peer review assignment?
Peer reviews can be used with group assignments.
First, make sure you have created a Group Set and associated Groups. Make sure that students are assigned to a Group
For directions on how to create Group Sets and Groups see:
How Do I create Group Sets / Course Groups?
Create the Assignment with "Group Assignment" and "Peer Review" selected.
All Peer Reviews require a student to review an individual submission by another student. However, group assignment submissions are made by one group member on behalf of the entire group, and all group members will display the same submission.
If you select Manually Assigned Peer Reviews, you can assign students from one group to peer review students from a different group OR assign them to peer review students within their group.
If you select Automatically Assigned Peer Reviews the default is that members of one group will be automatically (and randomly) be assigned to peer review members of a different group
However, if you select automatically assigned peer reviews, there is an extra "Allow intra-group peer reviews" checkbox displayed. Selecting this checkbox allows assignments to be truly random and disregard student group associations.
Example of selecting "Automatically Assign Peer reviews"
Once you have saved (or saved and published) the Peer Reviewed Group Assignment, it can be managed like any non-group peer review assignment
If you selected to manually assign peer reviews, see:
How do I manage a manual assigned peer review assignment?
If you selected to automatically assign peer reviews, see:
How do I manage an automatically assigned peer review assignment?