Student: How do I take a self-selected timed (Essay Question or File Upload) final exam?
Some Fletcher instructors may post a final examination that is limited to a certain amount of time but allows students to self-select, when to take the exam.
Go to the Canvas course site and click Quizzes

This displays the Canvas Quizzes page.
Note: Your instructor may provide access to the final exam via some other Canvas tool (Syllabus / Modules / Pages / Announcements).
Click on the name of the Final Exam

This displays the exam instructions and basic information about the about the exam.
Click "Take the Quiz"

This displays the exam questions.
NOTE: Once you click "Take the Exam" you must submit the exam within the timed allotted. If you loose Internet conductivity, the timer will keep running.
Answering an Essay Type Question - Type (or copy/paste) your answer in the text box.

Note: You can use the formatting tools above the text box to format your text
Answering a File Upload Type Question - Click "Choose File"

This displays your computer's file locator.
Locate the file on your computer, then click Open (or select)

To Submit the Exam, click Submit Quiz

NOTE - 1: - On Timed Quizzes, there is a countdown timer at the top right of the page.

NOTE - 2: Canvas automatically saves the Quiz every minute