Setting course site access for individual students
Instructors can adjust student access to their course site after a class ends, making it read-only or hiding it from students altogether (see End of the Semester options for Instructors). However, if one or two students need continued full access to the course site, you can give them access while keeping the site closed to the rest of the class.
To give selected students full access to a course while closing it for everyone else, create a section with a later end date. Enroll any students who need continued full access into this new section.
Go to the Course Settings.

Click on the Sections tab.

In the box labeled "Add a New Section:", fill in a section name and click the +Section button.

Your new section will appear in the list of Course Sections.
Click on the name of your new section.
Click on the "Edit Section" button.

Set an end date for the new section.
This date should be after the overall course end date. You can edit this date at any time.
Check the box next to "Users can only participate in the course between these dates."

Click the Update Section button.
Enroll the students who need full course site access in the section you created.
Go to the People tool to enroll students in your new section. See the Canvas guides: How do I edit sections for enrollment in a course?
Note: If the overall end date for your course has already passed, you may not be able to add students to the new section you created. Go to your course Settings and temporarily remove the course end date (see End of the Semester options for Instructors). After you have successfully enrolled students in your new section, you can fill in the course end date again.