CanvasProgress Report ToolWhat is the Progress Report tool?

What is the Progress Report tool?

Concerned about a student’s academic performance? Whenever you are concerned about an undergraduate student’s academic performance, please use the Academic Progress Report tool in Canvas to notify the appropriate  Advising Dean. We encourage faculty to use the Academic Progress Reporting tool when there are concerns about students missing class, failing to submit assignments, or earning poor grades. Earlier in the semester is when an intervention is most likely to yield results. For concerns about more serious academic matters, please reach out directly to the  appropriate dean.

Leah Gadd, BFA and Combined Degree BA/BFA students, last names A-Z

Jennifer Stephan, Engineering students, last names A-Z 

Tanesha Leathers, Liberal Arts BA/BS students, last names A to E, and Combined Degree BA/BFA students

Matthew Bellof, Liberal Arts BA/BS students, last names F to L 

Susan Koegel, Liberal Arts BA/BS students, last names M to R 

Caitlin Casey, Liberal Arts BA/BS students, last names S to Z and REAL students

Note: The Progress Report tool is a replacement for the Academic Progress Report form.  

Concerned about a student’s safety or well-being? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with Faculty Guidance for Supporting Students Mental Health, Student Counseling and Mental Health Stress Resources, and bookmark the list of campus emergency contacts. If you believe a student or community member’s immediate safety is in danger, call the emergency line at TUPD: 617-627-6911.