Course Navigation and Gradebook icon changes
In this Canvas release, the Course Navigation menu has been updated for improved accessibility. Also, the icons used in the Gradebook to indicate hidden grades have been simplified.
These changes will take effect Saturday, October 19. For a detailed look at these and other changes, see the full Canvas Release Notes.
Menu Visibility
In the menu of any course site, inactive links are currently displayed in light gray text. (Only Teachers, TAs, and Designers can see inactive links. Students do not.)
In the next release, inactive links will no longer be light gray. Instead, inactive links will have a small eyeball icon with a line through it.

The active link (the page you are on) will always be displayed in black and includes a vertical line.

Gradebook Post Policy Icons
In the new Gradebook, you can hide grades from students you decide to post them. This is called setting a Grade Posting Policy and it replaces the mute/unmute tool from older versions of Gradebook. Here's how to set a Grade Posting Policy and hide grades from students.
In the instructor view, Canvas uses icons to indicate whether grades are visible or hidden from students. In the next release, this will look different.
- If an assignment has a Manual posting policy (i.e. grades are hidden until the instructor posts them), the word MANUAL appears at the top of the column, next to the point value.
- The eyeball icon now only appears when there are grades that are hidden.
In this screenshot, no grades have been entered yet. The word MANUAL tells you that once you do enter grades for the "Main Idea Analysis" assignment, they will be hidden from students until you decide to post them.

In this screenshot, some grades have been entered, but they are hidden from students.

In this screenshot, grades have been posted and are visible to all students.